Many thanks to our community partners! The Connection has received a total of $10,079 in grant funding in recent months. We are truly grateful for this support—we can’t do it without you!
The Connection has received a total of $5,079 in Neighborhood Assistance Act donations from Avangrid/United Illuminating ($4,579) and L. Suzio Concrete Co. ($500). These funds have been made available under the auspices of Energy Conservation portion of the State of Connecticut’s Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program (NAA). The NAA is designed to provide funding for municipal and tax-exempt organizations by providing a corporation business tax credit for businesses that make cash contributions to these organizations.
Dollars received will be applied toward continuing our work in removing outdated and inefficient gas-powered HVAC system units at The Connection’s Park Street Residence in New Haven and replacing them with high-efficiency electric heating and cooling units.
The Park Street Residence provides single room occupancy housing and case management services for 13 adults with chronic mental illness or a dual diagnosis of mental illness and addictions. Staff are on duty 24 hours a day to provide support and counseling to residents who are among the most vulnerable members of the New Haven Community. Energy savings will benefit both the agency and the residents who pay their own utilities.
The Eddy Shelter recently received a total of $5,000 in grant funding to support client and programmatic needs. Funds will be used to purchase food and provide for other basic needs, including fees to replace photo IDs and birth certificates, transportation, and interview and work clothing for Shelter guests.
The Eddy Shelter, Middlesex County’s only homeless shelter for adult men and women, provides a warm bed and hot shower for hundreds of guests each year. Guests receive temporary shelter and case management services. Typical areas of need addressed are vocational support, substance abuse treatment, medical and mental healthcare, and assistance with connections to community resources. The goal is to help guests move toward independence and full reintegration into the community.